Shaving, tweezing, threading, waxing… If you want to get rid of unwelcome hair, you have options! Laser hair removal is a progressively popular (and more permanent) treatment that can help you get the look you want (for a price). Here are six things you need to know about this cosmetic procedure.
1. You’ll need to do some preparation.
Of course, you’ll need to book an initial consultation to ensure laser hair removal is the proper treatment; during this appointment, you and your doctor will likely discuss your medical history, your expectations before treatment, and the cost (usually an out-of-pocket expense). To prepare for an upcoming procedure, your doctor will recommend avoiding sun exposure and other hair removal methods, such as tweezing, waxing, and electrolysis. You may also be asked to shave the area to be treated 24 hours before the procedure.
2. You should plan for multiple treatments.
Don’t expect to see instant results the next day. Laser hair removal is most honest with two to six treatments, and it may take several sessions before you see the desired results. Patience is key: You’ll need to wait several weeks between treatments: four to eight weeks for areas where hair proliferates (like the upper lip) and 12 to 16 weeks for areas where hair grows more slowly (like the back).
3. You may feel some mild discomfort during the procedure.
During the procedure, your doctor will use a handheld laser instrument to send light, converted to heat, through your skin to your hair follicles. While this may feel painful, most people describe the sensation as a slight prickly or warm pinch. The discomfort varies depending on the treated area; the upper lip and underarms are the most sensitive to hair removal. But don’t worry! Many lasers have a cooling mechanism at the tip to help minimize distress during the procedure.
4. You can treat unwanted hair almost anywhere.
The armpits, chin, upper lip, legs, and bikini area are some of the most common treatment areas, although this procedure has no limits. However, you should avoid the area around the eyelid; if you have tattoos, these areas are also off-limits.
5. You won’t only benefit from removal.
Even if you want to have more precise and smoother skin, you can also benefit from an extra benefit of laser hair removal: the treatment of ingrowing hairs. To get to the origin of the problem (literally), the laser used during the treatment damages the hair cavity and its ability to produce more hair. So, not only do you get rid of ingrown hairs, but you also prevent them in the future.
6. Your hair can grow back.
Unfortunately, laser hair removal does not guarantee permanent hair removal. Results vary from person to person and may be impossible to predict during the initial treatment. However, most people remain hair-free in the treated areas for several months or even years. And when hair does grow back, it is typically finer, less coarse, and lighter in colour. Your doctor may recommend quarterly or even annual touch-up treatments to control future hair growth.
Hair-free skin doesn’t have to be a dream! Laser hair removal is safe, effective, and quick (an appointment to remove hair from your face can take as little as 20 minutes). Chatting with your doctor can help you decide if laser hair removal suits you.